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Peter Molyneux Leaves Lionhead


The Creative Director and Producer at Lionhead Peter Molyneux has left the company. As stated in the title. Duh.
God I’m horrible at this…
Anyways, main guy just left the company, and joined another one called 22 Cans.
Peter is most famous for his vivid imagination and ambition for his titles. Also hyping them.. A LOT.
(god professional journalism is hard).
This guy has let down more gamers with his new “innovations” than any softcore pornography with its misleading “nudity”.
Huh… not really that hard I see. (zing)
His most well received projects were Black & White, the Fable trilogy (and its dreadful spin-offs), Syndicate (the old RTS one), and Dungeon Keeper.

Good luck Peter. May god help you with your crazy ideas.