Blog Archives

For Your Beautiful Eyes: FAP

This is kind of cheating since it was featured yesterday, and explained what it is.
But fuck this, I’m tired. I need sleep. Enjoy.
FAP is short for Full Access Preview, it’s a video made by the GR staff either making fun of a game or enjoying it.


Top 5… Best Things that GamesRadar Had

5- Week of HATE
Don’t you just hate the fucking fanboys and their stupid debates on which piece of plastic is better than the other? Or how some jackasses who notice and complain about every single minor detail in the game?
What about the corporate side of the industry? Don’t you just want to punch a PR representative repeatedly in the face for misleading DLC?
But you’re a professional. You don’t want to look like an amateur journalist who ruins his/her image just by a few words. You also want to be taken seriously and be respected in the industry.
But GR had an awesome solution for all that. For three year (’08-’10), they had a week where they would spill their hatred of fanboys and industry ploys.
Check all the articles here:
2008: (did not find the link to it)

4- B. Buttercup (Senior Wildlife Editor)

Ever felt that horses were under-appreciated in the gaming industry? That they are just slaves to the whims of games characters to to do their fetch quests and dragon slaying?
GR had the same questions, and hired B. Buttercup to write articles exclusively horse related. His writing is so fascinating you instantly forget your first question about him (how does he write for GR? Simple: BIGASS keyboard).
A few of his articles:
Top 7.. Sexy Horse Every Stud Should Ride
Red Dead Redemption Promotes the Subjucation of Horses
His Twitter

3- FAPs

Short for Full Access Preview (not that fap you thought of initially, eh?). They are videos of the cast playing recent games (the time a FAP is released [heh, ejaculation joke]). These FAPs are almost 15-20 minutes long and they include hilarious commentary by the cast, either making fun of the game or genuinely enjoying it.

Shadows of the Damned FAP

Portal 2 FAP

Dead Space 2 FAP

Worst Wii Fighting Games FAP


2- TalkRadar

What happens to game journalists after their work is done? They go home and be boring.
Not the GR cast. They may be exhausted and tired and hate your guts, but their humor and sense of fun is still intact. Two hours every week, recently three, they talk about games and their lives in general. They always go off the rail, but they do it in a fun way and make you feel that you’re part of the conversation.
While some podcasts are more informative, the GR staff make feel that you belong in the conversation. Rape jokes and intoxicated cast included.

TalkRadar on GR
TalkRadar on iTunes

1- The Cast

What more can be said about the cast? They are amazing writers, great journalists, and hilarious comedians. Their cast pictures were amusing and showed personality. Some left to pursue other interests, and some got laid off. My memories of them is still intact, and I hope one day I get to meet them face to face.
And yes, Mikel’s glorious beard.

such majestic facial hair

Chris Antista left GR for PC Gamer (DIGITAL!), and formed a nostalgia-filled podcast called LaserTime. Help him by donating and/or buying shirts from the shirt store!
Tyler Wilde left to PC Gamer as well, but didn’t make a big deal out of it.
Charlie Barratt left to @Gamer.
The only Remaining members of the old crew is Mikel Reparaz, and Henry Gilbert and the UK crew.

left to right: Charlie Barratt, Mikel Reparaz, Lizze Cuevas, Chris Antista, Tyler Wilde


This Week’s Topic: GamesRadar

In this week I will write about one of the major influences on my gaming life, the amazing GamesRadar.
Mon: A Trip Down GR’s Lane.
Tue: The Top 5.. Amazing Things That GamesRadar Had.
Wed: The FAP.
Thu: Future Publishing, or How I Stopped Reading and Hate the Execs.
Fri: Podcast and QotW.
Sat: Major News of the Week and What We Command You to Notice.
Sun: Stolen Feature: The Top 7.