Blog Archives

Hey We’re Back!

I’m sorry for who actually give a shit about this blog. I have not updated for.. wow almost six weeks.
I’m sorry again.. I was being down lately because life man. But then Max Payne 3 came out (check out the review below).. AND HOLY SHIT I LOVE IT SO VERY MUCH and it rekindled my interest for life again. Writing the review felt good (the summer break helps as well), so more will come.
Sign… it feels good to be back.
Oh and news are coming!

Reconstruction of KFUPM Geeks

Yup, I’m (yes it’s a solo effort no thanks to Mazen and Ahmed) reorganizing this site to make this site look consistent and actually be interesting. No, I’m keeping the ugly look (I like it), I’m just adding new features and putting old ones in order.
The new format will be me (alone yet again) choosing an appropriate topic for the week. Hopefully it’ll be interesting to all of you. If not… well, tough luck.
MONDAY: Remembah!
This feature is a tribute to things I loved either old or recent. I’ll probably drag on and sound like an old man, despite being 20, about the things I adore.
The reason for the name is a reference to a scene in a movie I love so dearly, The Lion King. When the ghost of Mufasa appeared to remind Simba of his rightful liony (lionisc? Lionic?) duties as king.

TUESDAY: Top 5 (something).
This is an obvious one. The topic of this feature will differ every week depending on my halucinat.. I mean thoughts.
WEDNESDAY: For Your Beautiful Eye (and Maybe Ears).
This feature will be about a video, or maybe awesome or hilariously awful movie trailers, that interested me in the past or recently and want to share with you. Also maybe some audio as well.
THURSDAY: But Theriouthly…
In this article I am researching in an interesting or controversial topic to me. It’s probably interesting to you as well.
It’s a play on “seriously” but with added nerd sounds.
Get it? Cause it’s supposed to be serious and the irony is….
Ah fuck, I am truly bad at this.

shut up
FRIDAY (Friday, gonna get down.. ok I’ll stop): The Podcast and Question of the Week.
It’s a podcast. We talk about geek culture. It’s awesome.
Question of the Week will be a weekly question (duh) on the week’s that I hope enough readers will answer.
SATURDAY: Top News of the Week / What We Command You to Notice.
The first feature is the most interesting things that happened in the Movie or game industry and others as well.
The second one is a list of games/movies/comics/music albums/books that I thought of during this week that I hope you’d like.
SUNDAY: This Week’s Stolen Feature.
This is a feature where I find an interesting article on the interwebz and hope that nobody notices I stole it from them. The original writers will be credited.

So there you go, folks. Hope you had and awesome train thought (or melt if you flow that way). Please please please come by this site. I promise awesome content!