House of Representatives Approved R18+ in Australia

It’s all in the headline really. This is a big deal for Aussies since a lot of mature games are either banned or modified in a horrendous way. Want an example?

The classification still has to pass through the Senate, but it looks like the future is good for Aussie gamers.

Double Fine’s KickStarter Project Reaches $3 Million


Since Double Fine started this project a month ago, fans have helping with the studio’s request for moneyz to build a new point and click adventure by them.
Holy… wow, just wow. I can’t believe that one of the most awesome game studios in a long time got more what they wanted… from the fans!! Don’t you just love it when the greedy publishers get out the equation and we get pure unadulterated fun games?!

Double Fine is games studio. Their games are Psychonauts, Brütal Legend, Costume Quest, Stacking, Iron Brigade, and most recently Double Fine Happy Action Theater.
KickStarter is a website where individuals or companies can ask for funding for future products.
Person in picture: Double Fine’s main man Tim Schafer

Replaying the Mass Effect Series


In honor of Mass Effect 3’s release (and also the loss of my previous saves), I shall replay ME and ME2.
Yeah, that’s about it. Hopefully after I finish each game in the series I will post an article on how well the games hold up (very). After I finish ME3 I will post my own review.

Peter Molyneux Leaves Lionhead


The Creative Director and Producer at Lionhead Peter Molyneux has left the company. As stated in the title. Duh.
God I’m horrible at this…
Anyways, main guy just left the company, and joined another one called 22 Cans.
Peter is most famous for his vivid imagination and ambition for his titles. Also hyping them.. A LOT.
(god professional journalism is hard).
This guy has let down more gamers with his new “innovations” than any softcore pornography with its misleading “nudity”.
Huh… not really that hard I see. (zing)
His most well received projects were Black & White, the Fable trilogy (and its dreadful spin-offs), Syndicate (the old RTS one), and Dungeon Keeper.

Good luck Peter. May god help you with your crazy ideas.

Bioshock Infinite Coming October 16th

written by: Aziz Twaijri


Finally the most anticipated game this year (for me at the very least) has a locked date! Hopefully it won’t be delayed, or come during the major exams that plague every student’s life.
BioShock Infinite is the third game in the series created by Ken Levine. It has abandoned the traditional location the previous game were based in, Rapture. This time it is set in the City of Columbus in mid air, decades before the first Bioshock timeline.


Searching on Google images with “large” setting on. Thank you Internet

Assassin’s Creed III To Be Set in the US During the Revolution

written by: Aziz Twaijri

Nothing can be said more than what is written in the title, really. Although I’m sad that the game is not set during Victorian England, I AM excited about the idea of a full-on war against the Templars with the founding fathers of the US.
Judging by the tomahawk in the main guy’s hand however.. I could probably guess that he might be an.. Indian American?! That would pit the assassins against the Americans as well as the British.

Podcast #3 ‘I hate Lemon Ice-Tea’

Podcast #3 ‘I Hate Lemon Ice-Tea’

Recorded on 14/02/2012

This episode is two hours long (holy shit!). Almost half of the episode was the list of Best Video Game Endings that Guinness Book Records released. (Spoiler: they’re crappy). We also talk about our sad love lives, but SOMEONE has a date with his… MOTHER?!

Assassin’s Creed III: Coming October 30


Ubisoft has confirmed the release date for the latest title in the Assassin’s creed franchise as October 30.  No other details were mentioned other than it is the concluding title in Desmond’s plot. Rumors that the setting is going to be at either The French revolution or the American one. I, for one, hope the game would be based in Victorian England. The game has been confirmed for the following platforms: PS3, 360, PC, and Wii U.


Other news related to Ubisoft release schedule this year: The new Splinter Cell [Retribution] will be released on unspecified date. Far Cry 3 will released in September 6.

Podcast #2 FRIDAY

Podcast #2 FRIDAY

This week’s episode contains a heated debate weather MMOs are worth it or not. Also a Friday defense attorney.

Podcast #1 Baffingly Amazing

Podcast #1 Baffingly Amazing

Here we just talk about the sections that future episodes will feature. Also, random shit.