AC: Revelations to be a Third off on Euro PSN


The latest entry in the Assassin’s Creed franchise will be released digitally on the European PSN this Friday.
Those with a bitter taste in their mouths from the digital release of Mass Effect 2 fear not. Here the digital copy is cheaper from original retail price by 33%! Going down from £50/€70 to £36/€45.
It’s even cheaper to PSN+ subscribers: 50% off going down to £25/€35.

Posted on March 21, 2012, in News and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. this is epic, digital ftw

    • Oni-Samurai / I had a similar(ish) plrboem a while back with burnout paradise, I was on 70% completion and I was unlocking trophies like the B license and then the A but I couldn’t unlock the previous licenses as I already had them, also having smashed more billboards, gates etc. than what the trophies required also meant I couldn’t unlock those either. So I deleted my save and started again, you may find yourself in a similar predicament with Bioshock 2, your subsequent kills are possibly over the requirement for a trophy unlock.And I also lost my 100% complete trophies for Assassins Creed 2 yesterday and I couldn’t play it either..

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